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Sharing Labour Activity Information

Labour update #20 – 20200426

A tentative agreement has been reached between the province and the Ontario Secondary School Teachers’ Federation (OSSTF) teachers. OSSTF is the union representing BHNCDSB support workers. View the news release from the Ontario Public School Boards’ Association (OPSBA) for additional information. 

Updates will be provided to you as more information becomes available. All labour actions in Brant Haldimand Norfolk Catholic District School Board (BHNCDSB) are posted to our Labour Update page of the Board’s website.


Labour Update #19 - 20200322

Last week, the Minister of Education announced a tentative agreement has been reached between the Crown, OECTA, and the Ontario Catholic School Trustees' Association.

Read full announcement on the Ministry's website.


Labour Update #18 – 20200229 (9:00 a.m.)

Notice to families:

We have again been notified that, as a result of lack of progress in negotiations with the Province, both the Ontario Secondary School Teachers’ Federation (OSSTF), the union representing BHNCDSB support staff and the Ontario English Catholic Teachers’ Association (OECTA), the union representing BHNCDSB elementary and secondary teachers have individually planned a one-day strike scheduled for Thursday, March 5, 2020.

Will the schools remain open to students?
No, schools will be closed to students.

Are Before and After School Child Care programs or programs like EarlyON still running?
No, all activity will be cancelled.

Are Community Use of School rentals cancelled?
Yes, all Community Use of School booking rentals are cancelled.

My child attends full day child care at a school site. Are the child care business that operate full day child care programs open?
Schools that have dedicated full day child care programs operating on their sites will be open to the provider’s families only. The operate as businesses within the school footprint and are not impacted by the OECTA/OSSTF one-day strike.


Labour Update #17 - 20200224 (9:10 a.m.)

Notice to families:

We have been notified that the one-day strike planned by the Ontario English Catholic Teachers’ Association (OECTA), the union representing BHNCDSB elementary and secondary teachers, has been suspended. Schools will be OPEN to students on Thursday, February 27, 2020. 


Labour Update #16 - 20200218 (7:30 p.m.)

Notice to families:

We have been notified that, as a result of lack of progress in negotiations with the Province and unless an agreement is reached, the Ontario English Catholic Teachers’ Association (OECTA), the union representing BHNCDSB elementary and secondary teachers have planned a one-day strike impacting our Board on Thursday, February 27, 2020. Schools will be closed to students and all activities (Before/After School Child Care, etc.) will be cancelled.

Will the schools be closed to students?  
Yes, schools will be closed to students.

Are Before and After School Child Care programs or programs like EarlyON still running? 
No, all activity will be cancelled. 

Are Community Use of School rentals cancelled? 
No, at this time, Community Use of School booking rentals will be honoured. 

My child attends full day child care at a school site. Are the child care business that operate full day child care programs open? 
Schools that have dedicated full day child care programs operating on their sites will be open to the provider’s families only. The operate as businesses within the school footprint and are not impacted by the OECTA one-day strike. 


Labour Update #15 – 20200214 (10:25 a.m.)

Notice to families:

We have again been notified that, as a result of lack of progress in negotiations with the Province,  both the Ontario Secondary School Teachers’ Federation (OSSTF), the union representing BHNCDSB support staff and the Ontario English Catholic Teachers’ Association (OECTA), the union representing BHNCDSB elementary and secondary teachers have individually planned a one-day strike scheduled for Friday, February 21, 2020

Will the schools remain open to students?  

No, schools will be closed to students. 

Are Before and After School Child Care programs or programs like EarlyON still running? 

No, all activity will be cancelled. 

Are Community Use of School rentals cancelled? 

Yes, all Community Use of School booking rentals are cancelled. 

My child attends full day child care at a school site. Are the child care business that operate full day child care programs open? 

Schools that have dedicated full day child care programs operating on their sites will be open to the provider’s families only. The operate as businesses within the school footprint and are not affected by the OECTA/OSSTF one-day strike. 

In closing… 

Once again, we thank you for your patience and understanding during this time of labour unrest as our employee groups continue their collective bargaining process with the Province. As a Board, and as a parent with a child attending a school in our system, I truly understand the challenges our families face. We strongly encourage all parties to work together in order to reach an agreement that keeps our children in the classroom. 

~ Rick Petrella, Chair of the Board 


Labour Update #14 – 20200129 (12:14 p.m.)

Notice to families:

We have been provided notice that, as a result of lack of progress in negotiations with the Province, the Ontario English Catholic Teachers’ Association (OECTA), the union representing BHNCDSB elementary and secondary teachers has planned a one-day strike scheduled for Tuesday, February 4, 2020 if an agreement between OECTA and the Province has not been reached.

Schools will be closed to students.

We are disappointed that OECTA and the Province has not reached an agreement. The challenges that the withdrawal of service causes our families are not easy to navigate and we hope that resolutions are fast approaching. We do thank our families for your understanding and encourage you to continue to visit the Labour Update page of the Board’s website for timely information.

God bless,

Rick Petrella, Chair of the Board

Questions and Answers

Will the schools remain open to students?

No, schools will be closed to students.

Are Before and After School Child Care programs or programs like EarlyON still running?

No, all activity during the regular school day will be cancelled.

Are Community Use of School rentals cancelled?

No, Community Use of School booking rentals are not cancelled at this time. There will be regular staff on site to support the activities of the programs.

My child attends full day child care at a school site. Are the child care business that operate full day child care programs open?

Schools that have dedicated full day child care programs operating on their sites will be open to the provider’s families only. The operate as businesses within the school footprint and are not affected by the one-day strike.

Labour Update #13 – 20200122 (2:25 p.m.)

Notice to families:

“I would like to reassure all parents that report cards will be sent home to all Brant Haldimand Norfolk Catholic District School Board families. The union (OECTA) representing all teachers of the Brant Haldimand Norfolk Catholic District School Board has advised that Kindergarten teachers will provide one sentence in each of the four learning frames of the Kindergarten Communication of Learning report. For Grade 1 to 12 teachers, teachers will provide grades/or percentage marks on the report card.

- Chair of the Board, Rick Petrella.

Labour Update #12 – 20200115 (4:08 p.m.)

We continue to attempt to provide timely communication to our parents and the community about developments related to provincial labour action. We have been provided notice that, as a result of lack of progress in negotiations with the province, both the Ontario Secondary School Teachers’ Federation (OSSTF), the union representing BHNCDSB support staff and the Ontario English Catholic Teachers’ Association (OECTA), the union representing BHNCDSB elementary and secondary teachers have individually planned a one-day strike scheduled for Tuesday, January 21, 2020.

Will the schools remain open to students?

No, schools will be closed to students.

Are Before and After School Child Care programs or programs like EarlyON still running?

No, all activity will be cancelled.

Are Community Use of School rentals cancelled?

Yes, all Community Use of School booking rentals are cancelled.

My child attends full day child care at a school site. Are the child care business that operate full day child care programs open?

Schools that have dedicated full day child care programs operating on their sites will be open to the provider’s families only. The operate as businesses within the school footprint and are not affected by the OECTA one-day strike.

In closing…

As a parent with a child attending our schools, I can fully appreciate the inconvenience and frustration that is being felt by our school communities. We are disappointed that an agreement has not been reached between our union partners and the Province, and that an escalation in labour action has occurred effecting our students.  

We do thank everyone for their patience and understanding as our employee groups continue their collective bargaining process with the Province.

Rick Petrella


Labour Update #11 - 20200112 (8:38 a.m.)

Notice to families: The OSSTF walkout scheduled for Wednesday, January 15, 2020 DOES NOT IMPACT our schools. All BHNCDSB schools and offices will be open and all transportation is running on Wednesday, January 15, 2020.

Thank you for visiting the Labour Update page of the Board’s website for all labour information.

Labour Update #10 - 20200109 (5:02 p.m.)


As a result of the status of Provincial negotiations, the EQAO Grade 9 math assessment scheduled for January will not be written by students currently in our applied and academic Grade 9 math programs. 

Historically, in the BHNCDSB, students’ performance on the EQAO math assessment has been included as part of the Grade 9 mathematics final grade. Schools will be communicating with parents as to how the final grade will be determined given the cancellation of the EQAO assessment.

- Rick Petrella, Chair of the Board


Labour Update #9 – 20200108 (4:12 p.m.)

RE: Ontario English Catholic Teachers’ Association (OECTA)

As part of the Board commitment to provide timely communication to our parents and the community about developments related to Provincial labour action, I would like to provide clarity and further details in respect to the recent notice we received from OECTA announcing that they will begin specific job action Monday, January 13, 2020.

OECTA is the union that represents all elementary and secondary teachers employed by the Brant Haldimand Norfolk Catholic District School Board.

I would like to reinforce that the Board is committed to working with our union partners in a positive and collaborative manner as we navigate through these challenging times in Provincial labour negotiations.

I want to assure each of you, that the current job action by OECTA that is scheduled to begin on Monday January 13, 2020 if no agreement is reached, WILL NOT result in the closing of schools to students.

The terms of this job action notice include:

  • OECTA members instructing Grade 1 to 12 will be inputting marks on report cards, but not inputting comments or learning skills.
  • OECTA members instructing Kindergarten will be limiting their comments.
  • OECTA members will not be participating in EQAO activities.
  • BHNCDSB has been informed that local pickets may take place on Monday, January 13, 2020. Picket activity will take the form of OECTA members providing information to parent and community members outside of regular school hours.

As always, BHNCDSB appreciates the understanding of parents and community members during these challenging times in Provincial labour negotiations. We will continue to provide updates, developments, and information on our website in a timely manner.

Best wishes,

Rick Petrella, Chair of the Board


Labour Update #8 – 20200105 (7:05 a.m.)

Notice to families: The OSSTF walkout scheduled for Wednesday, January 8, 2020 DOES NOT IMPACT our schools. All BHNCDSB schools and offices will be open and all transportation is running on Wednesday, January 8, 2020.

Thank you for visiting the Labour Update page of the Board’s website for all labour information


Labour Update #7 – 20191215 (7:10 a.m.)

Notice to families: The OSSTF walkout scheduled for Wednesday, December 18, 2019 DOES NOT IMPACT our schools. All BHNCDSB schools and offices will be open and all transportation is running on Wednesday, December 18, 2019.

Thank you for visiting the Labour Update page of the Board’s website for all labour information.


Labour Update #6 – 20191211 (5:00 a.m.)

A reminder to families that all schools (elementary and secondary) are CLOSED to students today, Wednesday, December 11, 2019. As well, Before and After School child care programs, community use rentals and all other activities are cancelled

The Catholic Education Centre, 322 Fairview Drive, Brantford, ON N3R 2X6 is OPEN to the public today, Wednesday, December 11, 2019.

Please continue to visit this page for updates and information as it happens.

With thanks,

Chair of the Board, Rick Petrella


Labour Update #5 - 20191206 (4:14 pm)

Due to notification of a second scheduled OSSTF walkout at BHNCDSB, trustees have decided again that, in order to ensure student safety, schools will be closed to students on Wednesday, December 11, 2019 if an agreement between OSSTF and the Province has not been reached.

We are disappointed that, at this time an agreement has not been reached and share in parents’ frustration during this period of labour unrest. As always student safety and well-being is priority one for the trustees and in order to ensure student safety we are forced to close our schools once again as a result of this job action.

We understand that this may be difficult for families and wanted to share this decision as soon as possible so that you have time to arrange alternate care for your children if required.

What if OSSTF comes to an agreement with the Province before December 11, 2019?

If an agreement between OSSTF and the Province is reached before December 11, 2019, schools will be open and transportation will be running.

Is there still Before or After Child Care services?

No, all Before and After Child Care programs have been cancelled. As well, EarlyON drop in centres are closed.

Will the full-day childcare businesses that operate inside the school be open?

Schools that have dedicated full day child care programs operating on their sites will be open to the provider’s families only. They operate as businesses within the school footprint and are not affected by the OSSTF one-day walkout.

Thank you and please continue to visit this page for updates and information as it happens.

With thanks,

Chair of the Board, Rick Petrella


Labour Update #4 - 20191204

A reminder to families that all schools (elementary and secondary) are CLOSED to students today, Wednesday, December 4, 2019. As well, Before and After School child care programs, community use rentals and all other activities are cancelled

The Catholic Education Centre, 322 Fairview Drive, Brantford, ON N3R 2X6 is OPEN to the public today, Wednesday, December 4, 2019.

Please continue to visit this page for updates and information as it happens.

With thanks,

Chair of the Board, Rick Petrella


Labour Update #3 - 20191129 7:30 p.m.

At a Special Meeting of the Board this evening, trustees have decided that, in order to ensure student safety, schools will be closed to students on Wednesday, December 4, 2019 if an agreement between OSSTF and the Province has not been reached.

We understand that this may be difficult for families and wanted to share this decision as soon as possible so that you have time to arrange alternate care for your children if required.

What if OSSTF comes to an agreement with the Province before December 4, 2019?

  • If an agreement between OSSTF and the Province is reached before December 4, 2019, schools will be open and transportation will be running.

Is there still Before or After Child Care services?

  • No, all Before and After Child Care programs have been cancelled. As well, EarlyON drop in centres are closed.

Will the full-day childcare businesses that operate inside the school be open?

  • Schools that have dedicated full day child care programs operating on their sites will be open to the provider’s families only. They operate as businesses within the school footprint and are not affected by the OSSTF one-day walkout.

Thank you and please continue to visit this page for updates and information as it happens.

With thanks,
Chair of the Board, Rick Petrella

Labour Update #2 - 20191129

We have been provided notice that, as a result of lack of progress in negotiations with the province, the Ontario Secondary School Teachers’ Federation (OSSTF), has planned a one-day walkout scheduled for Wednesday, December 4, 2019. This one-day walkout will involve all support staff.

What does this mean for BHNCDSB?

A one-day walkout means that:

  • Cleaners
  • Clerical Staff
  • Child and Youth Workers
  • Caretakers
  • Early Childhood Educators
  • Educational Assistants
  • Information Technology Staff
  • Library Resource Technician
  • Maintenance Workers

...will not report to work on Wednesday, December 4, 2019.

Will the schools remain open to students?

  • A special meeting of the Board of Trustees has been scheduled for this evening at 6:00 p.m. to discuss the impact of the one-day walkout and decide if schools can offer programs or if BHNCDSB will close schools to students. Meeting decisions will be posted on the Board website.

When will I know if schools are open or closed?

  • If it is determined that, in order to ensure the health and safety of all students schools will be closed to students on Wednesday, December 4, 2019, notice will be provided on the Board and school websites and shared via Twitter (@bhncdsb) as soon as possible.

What if schools are scheduled to be closed to students on Wednesday, December 4, 2019 but OSSTF comes to an agreement with the Province?

  • If an agreement between OSSTF and the Province is reached schools will be open and transportation will be running.

If schools are closed, will Before and After School Child Care programs or programs like EarlyON still run?

  • No, all activity will be cancelled.

My child attends full day child care at a school site. If the schools are closed, will the child care business that operate full day child care programs open?

  • Schools that have dedicated full day child care programs operating on their sites will be open to the provider’s families only. The operate as businesses within the school footprint and are not affected by the OSSTF one-day walkout.

We thank you for your understanding and compassion as we continue to navigate through this part of the collective bargaining process between OSSTF and the Province.

-Chair of the Board, Rick Petrella


Labour Update #1 - 20191122

Letter from the Chair of the Board

To our families,

I am reaching out to you to advise you that the Ontario Secondary School Teachers’ Federation (OSSTF), the union representing our:

  • Cleaners 
  • Clerical Staff 
  • Child and Youth Workers 
  • Caretakers 
  • Early Childhood Educators 
  • Educational Assistants 
  • Information Technology Staff 
  • Library Resource Technician 
  • Maintenance Workers 

have provided notification that they will begin the withdrawal of administrative support services on Tuesday, November 26, 2019. We have been informed that while they have announced the withdrawal of administrative services, they are continuing to bargain with the Province. Our teachers are not represented by OSSTF, but rather the Ontario English Catholic Teachers’ Association (OECTA).

What does this mean for our families?

  • Beginning Tuesday, November 26, 2019 we may experience rotating information pickets where OSSTF staff provide information to people accessing our sites during non-instructional hours. We are told that this activity will not significantly inhibit access to or from our schools and building. Information pickets will not affect activity in the classroom.

How long will this last?

  • At this time, we are unsure of how long the OSSTF administrative services withdrawal will last but it is important to understand that while we respect the bargaining process, the safety of our students is our priority.

Will the withdrawal of service change?

  • There is the possibility that the withdrawal of service may change; however, at this time it is not impacting students in the classroom.

Will I still have Before and After School Child Care Services?

  • Yes, at this time all Before and After School Child Care is open and running as usual.

How is the Board going to communicate more information?

  • Beginning Tuesday, November, 26, 2019 all information relating to OSSTF labour activity will be communicated by the Mr. Rick Petrella, the Chair of the Board and posted on the BHNCDSB’s website ( |

We thank you for your understanding and compassion as we navigate through this part of the collective bargaining process between OSSTF and the Province.

With thanks and God bless,

~ Rick Petrella, Chair of the Board


Labour Information - 20191120

With much news, pertaining to education in the Province of Ontario, circulating we want to inform that should it become necessary for BHNCDSB to share information with families and the community, this page will be used to house all messages and information pertaining to our sites and programs. The information will display in reverse chronological order to ensure that our latest messaging is easily viewed.