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BCHU Message: COVID-19 vaccine clinics for those 12-17 years-of-age now open

The Brant County Health Unit (BCHU) has opened COVID-19 vaccine clinics for those 12-17 years-of-age.

Youth must be 12 years-of-age at the time of their first vaccination appointment. Youth born in 2009 will be eligible to receive COVID-19 vaccine on or after their 12th birthday, as this is the minimum age the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine has been approved for by Health Canada.

BCHU is immunizing youth aged 12 -17 years-of-age on a shortened dose interval to ensure a full immune response from the vaccine has developed before the start of the 2021-22 school year. Adults 18 years-of-age and older must continue to use the appropriate 18+ booking link and remain within the current recommended 16-week interval between doses.

BCHU has opened vaccine clinics for youth 12-17 years-of-age at 195 Henry Street in Brantford. This location has been established with special consideration for families and children with special needs. Youth aged 12-17 years-of-age may also book appointments at other mass vaccination clinic sites, should they choose.

To book appointments, or for further information, please visit