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Wednesday, March 27th, 2024

Attention all students who are participating in Assumption Cares.  Next week is bank week, so you must have your $100 in pledges collected.  Money can be handed in at lunch in the cafeteria.  We will also have a meeting TODAY in the Lecture Hall to talk about what to expect from Assumption Cares.  If you have any questions, please see Mr. O’Brien in Room 3011 before school this week.

If any Senior Badminton players need a cab for their game at PJC tonight, they need to let Mr. Dyjack know by the end of Period 1. Also, senior players will be dismissed at 2:35pm today for their game. 

The GSA is meeting today. The first lunch meeting will be in Room 1007 and the second lunch meeting will be in Portable 15. 

Please note that the Latino Club will be meeting on THURSDAY, March 28th at 8:15am in Room 1034, instead of Friday morning due to the Good Friday holiday.  We will be discussing the Passion of Jesus and the Easter story.

Attention all Environment Club members - old and new! Join us for a school grounds and community garbage clean-up on Thursday March 28th after school. Meet Mrs. Walsh in 3024 to take part!

There will be a STEM presentation on Thursday March 28th on Cybersecurity, both lunches in the Lecture Hall. Dismissal times are 11:20am & 12:40pm.

Are you taking Co-op in the 2024-2025 school year?  Please listen carefully.  On Tuesday, April 2nd, a mandatory information meeting will be held during period one immediately following announcements in the Lecture Hall.   Go to your period one class first for attendance.

Attention Lions.  Due to Friday being a holiday, there will be no Spirit Wear Day this week.

Attention all Boys Lacrosse players.  There is a sign-up sheet outside Mr. Petrella's office in the gymnasium for those interested in playing on the Assumption Lacrosse Team.  Sign up will be done using the QR code posted outside the male Phys. Ed office.  Permission forms can also be picked up there.

Attention LEAP-ers! This is a final reminder to please submit your March LEAP writing pieces to the LEAP D2L page Dropbox titled “2024 Marching Toward Spring: Anticipation and Winter Thaw” or send directly to Mrs. McLaughlin via email by Friday, March 29th, 2024. Winner of the contest will be announced the week of April 1st.

Are you feeling the mid-term crunch? Why not come out to the LAC Movie night on Thurs. April 4th from 3-7PM. The Library Advisory Council is planning a fun night of trivia and the Hunger Games movie. We are also having a book exchange that evening where you take a book and leave a book. Buy your ticket today at lunch at the back of the caf. Tickets are only $5 and will cover the cost of pizza and a juice box. Tickets will not be sold at the door. Don't miss out on this fun night.

Coffee House is back Lions! Join us on April 17th for an evening of musical performances, snacks, and fun times for all. If you are interested in performing at this event, please email a short video showcasing your act to Ms. Ristov no later than 4:00pm on Friday, April 5th.

Monday April 8th, despite being a PA Day, we have a Solar Eclipse starting at 2:00pm and peeking at 3:15pm. Make sure you have a pair of glasses to watch the event! That evening at the Sanderson Center at 7:00pm, the Hillier foundation is hosting Jane Goodall, an English primatologist and anthropologist. She is considered the world's foremost expert on chimpanzees, after 60 years' studying the social and family interactions of wild chimpanzees. Mr. Page has 85 tickets available to STEM students.

Today’s special in the cafeteria will be loaded tex mex fries or nachos topped with tex mex beef, cheese sauce, salsa, sour cream, and green onions for $7.25.  Plain nachos and cheese will be available for $4.75.  Jet juice cups are back in stock so get yours’s today.  Have an awesome day Lions!