Monday October 7th, 2024
1. In the spirit of Halloween, LEAP presents a creative writing challenge from the horror genre. Warning: for those who dare to write, side effects include (but are not limited to): insomnia, paranoia, night terrors, and vomiting. LEAP is not liable and accepts no responsibility. Enter at your own risk. Visit the LEAP bulletin board outside of Student Services, log onto LEAP’s D2L/Brightspace page, or stop by TLC on your lunch for more details. Deadline for submissions: before nightfall on the 18th of October. Our top 3 winning submissions will be acknowledged over ATV on October 31st
2. Campus Crew embroidered spirit wear has arrived. Please pick up in TLC (room 2012) during your lunch.
3. The first ACS book club meeting is today. If you missed the morning meeting, we will have another one after school today at 3:05pm in the Library’s Innovation lab. Both meetings are the same. Looking forward to seeing you there!
4. The homecoming dance is this Thursday from 6-9pm. Ticket sales continue this week for $7 on school cash online. The last day to purchase tickets is Wednesday, so don’t miss out!
5. If you would like to be a Eucharistic minister for our school Masses training is taking place today on grade 11 & 12 lunch in the chapel. You must be in grade 11 or 12 and must be Catholic for this role.
6. Attention all STEM students, if you are interested in ordering spirit wear, please submit order forms to room 3010 by Fridy October 11th. See the STEM Brightspace page for more details.
7. Attention ACS Knit Club members check your school email for an important request from Mrs. Cameron. Our next meeting will be this Wed, October 9th from 3-4 pm in room 1004. The club is now accepting yarn donations from anyone at the school for our two projects: scarfs for the homeless shelters and blankets for the NICU and the SPCA. Bring yarn donations to room 1004. Thank you, Mrs. C
8. ATTENTION all LIONS who are participating in ASSUMPTION SCARES HUNGER, your forms are due to the back of the caf this week by THURSDAY OCTOBER 10th!!!! Make sure that all of your forms are submitted stapled together with your team leader ( blue sheet) NO exceptions. Lions, No paperwork mean no route!!!!! Also, we have our second meeting on Friday Oct 11th, during all lunches in the lecture hall!
9. A new order of spirit wear has arrived from Breakaway. This year, orders will be available for pickup on Thursdays only. If you have received an email confirming your order has arrived, please come by the student council office (near the main office in the tech hallway) on your lunch on Thursday.
10. Attention all swimmers! Are you interested in joining this year’s ACS swim team? Stop by the bulletin board outside of the female phys ed office today and scan the QR code to sign up. Don’t forget to grab a permission form! You do not have to be a competitive swimmer to join. If you can swim two uninterrupted laps of the pool, swim team might be for you. Please see Ms Ristov in TLC at lunch for more information on practice times and expectations.
11. All grade 9s who submitted an application to student council please remember to check your school emails as we will be sending out interview schedules to successful applicants.
12. Lions, show your Lion pride at the football game this Friday, October 11. Student Council has planned a "White Out" theme against the Paris Panthers. Wear all of your white clothing and show your spirit! Go Lions!!! It’s $3.00 cash at the door and don’t forget your student card!
13. Just a reminder that tomorrow is a PA Day! Enjoy the day off, Lions.
14. Today's special in the cafeteria will be Butter Chicken over rice with a side of naan for $6.25. The rest of week, all 3 days will have turkey. Turkey poutine, hot turkey sandwiches, and turkey dinner bowl with hot apple crisp as a dessert.